Order combined contraceptive pill

Hello, we are the specialist clinical team who are working with you

We need to ask you some questions about your health before we can safely prescribe the combined pill for you.

Paula Baraitser

Dr Paula Baraitser

Abi Degg

Abi Degg
Sexual health and contraception nurse

Emma Fletcher

Emma Fletcher
Senior nurse

Charlotte Sullivan

Charlotte Sullivan
Senior nurse

We want to help you understand the connection between blood pressure and taking the combined pill.

Blood pressure is the force that moves blood around your body. It is normally measured by a cuff around your upper arm.

Everybody’s blood pressure is different, and it can change (become high or low) without you noticing.

For some people, the combined pill makes their blood pressure higher. Unmanaged high blood pressure puts you at increased risk of stroke or heart attack. It is important to check your blood pressure before you start taking the combined pill, and once a year whilst you continue to take it.

Need help? If you have any questions, or need help or advice, text: 07860 041 233 to speak to our clinical team.

We use this information to check that you are eligible for this service.

SH:24 is currently only available in some parts of the UK. We use your postcode to check this, and to make sure that your oral contraception is sent to the right address.

Please confirm:

  • I agree to the terms and conditions
  • I am providing my own mobile phone number and email address
  • I am ordering for myself

To ensure clinical safety and confidentiality, you cannot order for someone else.

You cannot order for someone else. The General Medical Council only allows doctors to prescribe a medication for or do a test on the person who requested it. That means you cannot order for someone else. This is for safety and confidentiality. Only the person who is going to take the medicine can give us a full medical history and only the person who provided the sample should have access to this result.

Royal Mail deliveries are currently operating normally. We'll text you when we dispatch your order.