Treatment order

  • Your age & location
  • Your symptoms
  • About you
  • Contact & delivery details
  • Your health
  • Verify your mobile number
  • Your photos
  • Complete your order

We use this information to check that you are eligible for this service.


SH:24 is currently only available in some parts of the UK. We use your postcode to check this, and to make sure that your treatment is sent to the right address.

What describes you best?

The NHS monitors who uses its services to ensure that everyone receives the same quality of care and access to treatment, regardless of their gender.

Which genitals do you have?
Who do you have sex with?

The NHS monitors who uses its services to ensure that everyone receives the same quality of care and access to treatment.


You cannot order for someone else. The General Medical Council only allows doctors to prescribe a medication for or do a test on the person who requested it. That means you cannot order for someone else. This is for safety and confidentiality. Only the person who is going to take the medicine can give us a full medical history and only the person who provided the sample should have access to this result.

On the next page we will show you some photographs of typical symptoms.
